Friday, September 19, 2014

Energy levels and SNAP


I'm tired. Like REALLY tired. Josh and I visited his Dad and Stepmom last night, so I didn't have time to prep meals for today. Annnnnnd I hit snooze until the very last second this morning, so no time then either. What did that leave me with? A couple hard boiled eggs, 2 bananas and the last few baby carrots thrown in my bag to bring to work today. Yikes! My belly is already rumbling at just the thought that I won't have any other options until I get home sometime after 6pm tonight. My poor co-workers. They will unfortunately have to experience "Hangry Julie", and I feel I should apologize in advance, lol ;)

My energy has slowly been getting lower over the past few days for sure. I stopped working out during the challenge because I knew I wasn't getting enough calories as it is. If I'm THIS exhausted without working out... I can't even imagine how I would feel if I was still rocking my PiYo workouts. And I DEFINITELY don't have the energy to do T25 right now. I miss my Shakeology and my body feeling satisfied nutritionally.

I can't say that mood has really changed (so far at least). I still try to be as positive and upbeat as I can. I will say though that I almost feel like that annoying girl everyone knows that is always dieting and talking about how she eats nothing but carrot sticks and celery. The second someone is having a conversation about some yummy food I instantly want to throw a child like fit with my fingers in my ears yelling "La la la la la... I can't hear you!!!!". Or god help me if I smell something good that someone is eating. I'm instantly a whiner. It seems like I've become slightly food obsessed. I imagine that isn't unique to me. Sort of the you always want what you can't have mentality.

It's hard to swallow though... knowing that I'm sitting here counting down the days/hours until this challenge is over for me. Meanwhile, others may have to live like this for months, sometimes even years. It certainly puts things in perspective.


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