Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Can you meet basic nutritional requirements on the SNAP Challenge?

As I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to try and make the healthiest choices possible when doing the challenge. My goal was to incorporate all of the food groups. If not in every meal, at least throughout the course of the day.

My day looked like this...

2 Hard boiled eggs
1/4 cup cooked grits

AM Snack:
Medium Banana

1/2 cup garbanzo beans
1/3 of a medium cucumber
1/2 a can of chunk light tuna fish
2 tbsp italian dressing

PM Snack:
3 oz baby cut carrots

1 cup of long grain rice
1/2 cup black beans
2 tbsp salsa verde

Bedtime Snack:
1/2 cup applesauce

I went ahead and entered all the food into Myfitnesspal - an app I use to track calories when I'm dieting. I wanted to see where all of this put me in comparison to what I would normally eat on a given day. Ready for the results???

I clicked the button to complete the entry and this is what popped up on my screen...

WOW! Now keep in mind, the 2nd line above listing my "Daily Goal"... those are the recommended guidelines recommended for WEIGHT LOSS! We aren't talking about people who want to necessarily lose weight here folks. These are people who are trying to survive on this amount of food every day... not simply while on a diet.

So.... CAN you meet your basic nutritional requirements while receiving SNAP benefits? I'm interested to check in with the rest of the folks taking this challenge to see if their experience has been the same. But from my perspective, the answer is a resounding NO!


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