Sooooo... we all know that the PRACTICAL reason for having this lovely little extra day once every 4 years is to keep the calendar year in line with the seasons because the earth doesnt actually orbit around the sun in exactly 365 days, yada yada yada. But I'm much less concerned with that than I am with the traditions and history that come along with this super fun day!My favorite, being an Irish girl myself, is the old Irish tradition that makes it acceptable for a woman to propose to a man on leap day. (You all saw that silly chick flick a few years back, right?) Since leap day existed to fix a problem in the calendar, it was suggested that it also be used to fix an "unjust" custom that made women have to wait... seemingly FOREVER... for their man to propose to them. So, after some haggling between St. Bridget and St. Patrick over the specific details, they finally hashed out that it would in fact be allowed. BUT... that if the man said no... he had to pay a penalty, haha. It was different in some places, but it seemed most widely agreed upon that he owed her a kiss on the cheek and a silk dress :)
I've also read that it's considered bad luck to be born on a leap day. Which, to the contrary, I think would be cool as hell! Who wouldnt love having your actual age divisible by four when you celebrate?? Then you're not 80 years old... you're 20!!! How awesome is that???
But according to English Law, February 29th had no legals status. So nothing that was done, tradition or otherwise, had any legal status. With that said... Today, I vote we all go out and do something COMPLETELY out of our comfort zone. Something that we would otherwise never do. Something crazy! Something fun! Something scary! Whatever. Just do something outside of your normal, boring, day to day routine. Why? Because if it turns out horrible... since today isnt technically a REAL day... then it never really happened right??? :) LOL! Orrrrrr... it could turn out absolutely amazing! And once... every 4 years... you can look back and remember just how bad ass you really are! :)
Hope everyone has a fabulous day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the cool little leap year babies out there!
Julie :)